Compute! Gazette 1985 January
64 books
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Commodore BASIC
141 lines
100 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke53282,6:poke53284,6
290 poke53265,peek(53265)or64:printchr$(142);
295 poke53283,3:print"[147][154] a comprehensive memory guide "
296 print"for beginning and advanced programmers"
297 print"of the commodore 64 personal computer."
300 print" [146][152] complete details on the
310 [153]" waitprint# functions of pointers,
320 print" mapping [146][152] the stack,rom and kernal
330 [153]" the waitprint# routines, and more.
340 print" commodore [146][152]
350 [153]" waitprint# basic programmers will
360 print" [160][160][160] [160] [160] [146][152] find easy-to-understand
370 [153]" close close close waitprint# explanations of advanced
380 print" [160][160][160][160] [160][160][160][160] [146][152] programming techniques.
390 [153]" close close close waitprint#
395 print" [160][160][160][160] [160] [146][152] programmers using machine
400 [153]" waitprint# language will find a wealth
485 print" [146][152] of useful locations and
486 [153]" wait ideas for programming.
489 print"[154]isbn 0-942386-23-x $14.95"
498 gosub 10000
500 poke53265,peek(53265)and191:poke53281,11:poke53280,11
510 print"[147][153]everything you need to know about basic";
515 print" to effectively program your commodore 64"
520 print"[155] [146] each chapter intro-
530 [153]"list wait duces a basic
540 print"[155][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174][146] programming concept,
550 [153]"list(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) l l (NULL)wait explaining and
560 print"[155][206][163][163][205] b o u t [221][146] suggesting ways to
570 [153]"list (NULL)wait use it in programs.
580 print"[155] t h e [221]
600 [153]"list(NULL)usr(NULL) (NULL)wait teaches how to print
610 print"[155][180] o m m o d o r e[146] and poke, how to use
620 [153]"list(NULL)and(NULL) (NULL)wait built-in and user-
630 print"[155][221] [146][188][187][161][161] [221][146] defined functions,
640 [153]"list(NULL) waitloggetwaitnewget (NULL)wait logical operators,
650 print"[155][173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189][146] program control,
660 [153]"listv.o.l.u.m.e. o.n.ewait string variables,
680 print"[155] [146] subroutines, arrays,
720 [153]"list wait and much more.
740 print"[153]a must for beginning to intermediate
745 [153]"programmers."
746 [153]"stopisbn 0-942386-40-x $12.95";
750 [141] 10000
800 [151]53280,15:[151]53281,15:[151]53265,[194](53265)[176]64:[151]53283,3:[151]53284,6
810 [153]"load compute!'s reference guide to"
820 [153]" commodore 64 graphics"
830 [153]" wait a complete tutorial on
840 print" [146] commodore 64 graphics.
850 [153]" openclosecloselen(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)(NULL)valcloseclose"
860 [153]" waitcont explains how to program
870 print" [160][160][160] [160] [160] [146][154] multicolored screens,
880 [153]" close close close waitcont custom characters,
890 print" [160][160][160][160] [160][160][160][160] [146][154] sprites, animation, and
900 [153]" close close close waitcont more.
910 print" [160][160][160][160] [160] "
920 print" [146] beginners will like the
930 [153]" graphics wait clear example programs,
940 print" [146] and step-by-step
950 [153]" wait instructions.
960 print" "
970 print"[154] advanced programmers can
980 [153]"build up their tool kits with the sprite";
990 [153]"editors, screen design program, and
1000 print"other useful utility programs.
1010 [153] "isbn 0-942386-29-9 $12.95";
1020 [141] 10000
1100 [151]53280,0:[151] 53281,0:[151]53283,5:[151]53284,9:[151]53282,7
1110 [153]"loadlist turn your commodore 64 into a teacher
1120 print" and entertainer for all ages, from
1130 [153]" preschool to high school.
1140 print" [146][150] thirty game programs you
1150 [153]"closelen(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)(NULL)valcloseclosewaitdef can type in and run.
1160 print" "
1170 print" [146][160][160][160] [146][160] [146][160] [146] "chr$(34)"stargazer"chr$(34)" displays the
1180 [153]" waitclose waitclose waitclose wait constellations of the night";
1190 [153]" waitcloseclosecloseclose waitcloseclosecloseclose wait sky.
1200 print" [146][160] [146][160] [146][160] "
1210 print" [146][160][160][160][160] [146][160] [146][150] "chr$(34)"movers and shakers"chr$(34)" tests
1220 [153]" waitdef knowledge of historical
1230 print"[158] games [146][150] figures.
1240 [153]"sys for kids "
1250 [153]" wait "[199](34)"hidden pictures"[199](34)" lets
1260 print" [146] children uncover a series
1270 [153]" of drawings.
1280 print"[150]an instant library of educational soft-
1290 [153]"ware, with levels clearly identified.
1300 print"[155]isbn 0-942386-37-x $12.95";
1499 gosub 10000
1500 poke53280,10:poke 53281,10:poke53283,2:poke53284,7:poke53282,1
1510 print"[147]games,applications,utilities,tutorials"
1520 print" and information for users of the
1525 [153]" commodore 64 home computer
1530 print" [146][144] some of the best programs
1540 [153]" compute!'s waitstop and articles from compute!,";
1550 [153]" second waitstop many revised or never
1560 print" book [146][144] before published.
1570 [153]" of "
1590 [153]"closelen(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)(NULL)valcloseclosewaitpoke arcade and text adventure
1600 print" [146][151] games in both basic and
1610 [153]" waitclosecloseclose waitclose waitclose waitpoke machine language, a com-
1620 print" [146][160] [146][160] [146][160] [146][151] mercial software-quality
1630 [153]" waitcloseclosecloseclose waitcloseclosecloseclose waitpoke word processor, a program
1640 print" [146][160] [146][160] [146][160] [146][151] which adds 41 new commands
1650 [153]" waitcloseclosecloseclose waitclose waitpoke to basic, an electronic
1660 print" [146][151] spreadsheet, and tutorials
1670 [153]" waitpoke about sound and graphics.
1680 print"[144]clear information about such topics as
1690 [153]"saving, copying, and retrieving files,
1700 print"using arrays, and function keys.
1710 [153]"pokeisbn 0-942386-44-2 $12.95";
1720 [141]10000
2000 [151]53280,14:[151] 53281,14:[151]53283,6:[151]53284,7
2010 [153]"loadprint a step-by-step guide to creating"
2020 [153]" an arcade game on the 64, plus six
2030 print" finished games to learn from and play.
2040 [153]" waitsys develops and explains the
2050 print"[158] creating [146][158] principles of game design.
2060 [153]"sys arcade "
2070 [153]"sys games wait includes general programs
2080 print"[158] on the [146] for using the screen, cus-
2090 [153]"contcloselen(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)(NULL)valcloseclosewait tom characters, animation,
2100 print" [146] sprites, sound, and music,
2110 [153]" waitclosecloseclose waitclose waitclose wait and other features of the
2120 print" [146][160] [146][160] [146][160] [146] 64.
2130 [153]" waitcloseclosecloseclose waitcloseclosecloseclose "
2140 [153]" waitclose waitclose waitclose waitsys just the book for pro-
2150 print" [146][160][160][160][160] [146][160] [146][158] grammers who want to learn
2160 [153]" waitsys how to write fast, exciting";
2170 [153]" waitsys arcade games.
2180 print "[153]isbn 0-942386-36-1 $14.95";
2200 gosub 10000
4999 poke53265,peek(53265)and191
5000 print"[147]"
5001 s$="l[207]"+chr$(34)+"mn"+chr$(34)+",8:"+chr$(131)
5002 fori=1tolen(s$):poke630+i,asc(mid$(s$,i)):next:poke198,i
5003 poke5